Monday 30 December 2013

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Creation by Word
Genesis 1 and 2
In the beginning God created everything that exists. He made Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden of Eden. God spoke to them and gave them certain tasks in the world. For food he allowed them the fruit of all the trees in the garden except one. He warned them that they would die if they ate of that one tree.
The Fall
Genesis 3
The snake persuaded Eve to disobey God and to eat the forbidden fruit. She gave some to Adam and he ate also. Then God spoke to them in judgment, and sent them out of the garden into a world that came under the same judgment.
First Revelation of Redemption
Genesis 4-11
Outside Eden, Cain and Abel were born to Adam and eve. Cain murdered Abel and Eve bore another son, Seth. Eventually the human race became so wicked that God determined to destroy every living thing with a flood. Noah and his family were saved by building a great boat at God’s command. The human race began again with Noah and his three sons with their families. Sometime after the flood a still unified human race attempted a godless act to assert its power in the building of a high tower. God thwarted these plans by scattering the people and confusing their language.
Abraham Our Father
Genesis 12-50
Sometime in the early second millennium BC God called Abraham out of Mesopotamia to Canaan. He promised to give this land to Abraham’s descendants and to bless them as his people. Abraham went, and many years later he had a son, Isaac. Isaac in rum had two sons, Esau and Jacob. The promises of God were established with Jacob and his descendants. He had twelve sons, and in time they all went to live in Egypt because of famine in Canaan.
Exodus: Our Pattern of Redemption
Exodus 1-15
In time the descendants of Jacob living in Egypt multiplied to become a very large number of people. The Egyptians no longer regarded them with friendliness and made them slaves. God appointed Moses to be the one who would lead Israel out of Egypt to the promised land of Canaan. When the moment came for Moses to demand the freedom of his people, the Pharaoh refused to let them go. Though Moses worked ten miracle-plagues which brought hardship, destruction, and death to the Egyptians. Finally, Pharaoh let Israel go, but then pursued them and trapped them at the Red Sea (or Sea of Reeds). The God opened a way in the sea for Israel to cross on dry land, but closed the water over the Egyptian army, destroying it.
New Life: Gift and Task
Exodus 16-40; Leviticus
After their release from Egypt, Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai. There God gave them his law which they were commanded to keep. At one point Moses held a covenant renewal ceremony in which the covenant arrangement was sealed in blood. However, while Moses was away on the mountain, the people persuaded Aaron to fashion a golden calf. Thus they showed their inclination to forsake the covenant and to engage in idolatry. God also commanded the building of the tabernacle and gave all the rules of sacrificial worship by which Israel might approach him.
The Temptation in the Wilderness
Numbers; Deuteronomy
After giving the law to the Israelites at Sinai, God directed them to go in and take possession of the promised land. Fearing the inhabitants of Canaan, they refused to do so, thus showing lack of confidence in the promises of God. The whole adult generation that had come out of Egypt, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, was condemned to wander and die in the desert. Israel was forbidden to dispossess its kinsfolk, the nation of Edom, Moab, and Ammon, but was given victory over other nations that opposed it. Finally, forty years after leaving Egypt, Israel arrived in the Moabite territory on the east side of the Jordan. Here Moses prepared the people for their possession of Canaan, and commissioned Joshua as their new leader.
Into the Good Land
Joshua; Judges; Ruth
Under Joshua’s leadership the Israelites crossed the Jordan and began the task of driving out the inhabitants of Canaan. After the conquest the land was divided between the tribes, each being allotted its own region. Only the tribe of Levi was without an inheritance of land because of its special priestly relationship to God. There remained pockets of Canaanites in the land and, from time to time, these threatened Israel’s hold on their new possession. From the one-man leaderships of Moses and Joshua, the nation moved into a period of relative instability during which judges exercised some measure of control over the affairs of the people.
God’s Rule in God’s Land
1 and 2 Samuel; 1 Kings 1-10; 1 Chronicles; 2 Chronicles 1-9
Samuel became judge and prophet in all Israel at a time when the Philistines threatened the freedom of the nation. An earlier movement for kingship was received and the demand put to a reluctant Samuel. The first king, Saul, had a promising start to his reign but eventually showed himself unsuitable as the ruler of the covenant people. While Saul still reigned, David was anointed to succeed him. Because of Saul’s jealousy David became an outcast, but when Saul died in battle David returned and became king (about 1000 BC). Due to his success Israel became a powerful and stable nation. He established a central sanctuary at Jerusalem, and created a professional bureaucracy and permanent army. David’s son Solomon succeeded him (about 961 BC) and the prosperity of Israel continued. The building of the temple at Jerusalem was one of Solomon’s most notable achievements.
The Fading Shadow
1 Kings 11-22; 2 Kings
Solomon allowed political considerations and personal ambitions to sour his relationship with God, and this in turn had a bad effect on the life of Israel. Solomon’s son began an oppressive rule which led to the rebellion of the northern tribes and the division of the kingdom. Although there were some political and religious high points, both kingdoms went into decline, A new breed of prophets warned against the direction of national life, but matters went from bad to worse. In 722 BC the northern kingdom of Israel fell to the power of the Assyrian empire. Then, in 586 BC the southern kingdom of Judah was devastated by the Babylonians. Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed, and a large part of the population was deported to Babylon.
There Is a New Creation
Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Daniel; Esther
The prophets of Israel warned of the doom that would befall the nation. When the first exiles were taken to Babylon in 597 BC, Ezekiel was among them. Both prophets ministered to the exiles. Life for the Jews (the people of Judah) in Babylon was not all bad, and in time many prospered. The books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel indicate a certain normality to the experience, while Daniel and Esther highlight some of the difficulties and suffering experienced in an alien and oppressive culture.
The Second Exodus
Ezra; Nehemiah; Haggai
In 539 BC Babylon fell to the Medo-Persian empire. The following year, Cyrus the king allowed the Jews to return home and to set up a Jewish state within the Persian empire. Great difficulty was experienced in re-establishing the nation. There was local opposition to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple. Many of the Jews did not return but stayed on in the land of their exile. In the latter part of the fourth century BC, Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire. The Jews entered a long and difficult period in which Greek culture and religion challenged their trust in God’s covenant promises. In 63 BC Pompey conquered Palestine and the Jews found themselves a province of the Roman empire.
The New Creation for Us
Matthew; Mark; Luke; John
The province of Judea, the homeland of the Jews, came under Roman rule in 63 BC. During the reign of Caesar Augustus, Jesus was born at Bethlehem, probably about the year 4 BC. John, known as the Baptist, prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus. This ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing began with Jesus’ baptism and lasted about three years. Growing conflict with the Jews and their religious leaders led eventually to Jesus being sentenced to death by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. He was executed by the Romans just outside Jerusalem, but rose from death two days afterward and appealed to his followers on a number of occasions. After a period with them, Jesus was taken up to heaven.
The New Creation in Us Initiated
After Jesus had ascended, his disciples waited in Jerusalem. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came upon them and they began the task of proclaiming Jesus. As the missionary implications of the gospel became clearer to the first Christians, the local proclamation was extended to world evangelization. The apostle Paul took the gospel to Asia Minor and Greece, establishing many churches as he went. Eventually a church flourished at the heart of the empire of Rome.
The New Creation in Us Now
New Testament Epistles
As the gospel made inroads into pagan societies it encountered many philosophies and non-Christian ideas which challenged the apostolic message. The New Testament epistles shows that the kind of pressures to adopt pagan ideas that had existed for the people of God in Old Testament times were also a constant threat to the churches. The real danger to Christian teaching was not so much in direct attacks upon it, but rather in the subtle distortion of Christian ideas. Among the troublemakers were the Judaizers who added Jewish law-keeping to the gospel. The Gnostics also undermined the gospel with elements of Greek philosophy and religion.
The New Creation Consummated
The New Testament
God is Lord over history and therefore, when he so desires, he can cause the events of the future to be recorded. All section of the New Testament contain references to things which have not yet happened, the most significant being the return of Christ and the consummation of the kingdom of God. No clues to the actual chronology are given, but it is certain that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. The old creation will be undone and the new creation will take its place.
Taken from According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible by Graeme Goldsworthy. Copyright(c) Graeme Goldsworthy 1991.
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“AKULAH KEBANGKITAN DAN HIDUP” 1 Korintus 6:12 1 Korintus 8:3 2014 ABRAHAM ABRAHAM: Membangun Mezbah Abram absalom Agama Tidak Menyelamatkan Agnes Monica AGU ROHANI KRISTEN AJARKU BERDIAM Alkitab Allah allah anak allah bapa Allah Peduli Allah Taala Allah Yang Setia Amsal 11:27 Anak Domba ANAK SEKOLAH MINGGU Anniversary Are We Prepared asmirandah Asmirandah Zantman Atas Dosa Awesome God ayub bagi tuhan bangsa isreal Bapa Selidiki Hatiku Baptisan Batasan Belajar berbuat baik Berdoa Berdoalah ‪BERHASIL‬ BERHENTI MEMBATASI IMAN ANDA berita baik Berita Injil Berkabung Berkat dan Undian Berlari Padamu berserta lirik lagu berusahalah mendapatkannya Betapa Hatiku Boy Sopranos carilah perdamaian Christmas Song Cinta-Ku Cintamu Damai BersamaMu Dampak Kekosongan dan yang terpenting DARI TERBIT MATAHARI Darlene Zschech daud Di Setiap Nafasku dikasihi yesus doa harian kristian Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu doaku doktrin Domba Domba Allah dosa Dosa Percabulan Dosa Serakah efesus 6:1-3 embun faith firman Firman‬ Tuhan gerija tuhan Get Our Hands Dirty GMB GNF good friday GoodNews Fellowship GoodNews Fellowship Matang goodnews green height GoodNews2us Green Height Grezia hakim segala bangsa hamba rokok Hanya Yesus Juruselamat Harapan Bangsa Harapan Bangsa Lyric Hargai harta Hidup How great is our GOD Hubungan hubungan keluarga ia dikenal oleh Allah Iman iman petrus agung Indah oh Indah Injil Iraq Isa Almasih Jaclyn Victor Jadikan Aku Indah jalan yang lurus janda JANGAN BERKOMPROMI Jangan Pernah Bersedih Jangan sombong jason jauhilah yang jahat Jeffry Tjandra Jesus JIKALAU BUKAN TUHAN SIA-SIALAH USAHA KITA Jodoh Impian John 3:16 jujur jumaat agung Kagumi KARENA TAK PERCAYA Kasih Allah Kasih SetiaM Kasih Tuhan Kasih Yesus Kasihilah sesama manusia Kasihilah Tuhan Allahmu Kau Saja Kaulah Harapan kayu salib kebenaran Kegagalan kehidupan keilahian Yesus Kejadian 2:18 Keluaran 14: 16 KEMARAHAN Kemenangan KESAKSIAN Keselamatan KETIKA DOSA DIBERESKAN Khotbah Khotbah Pastor Kingdom of God Kisah Dua Lelaki kisah lucu kristian Kisah Penjual Minuman Kisah Teladan Kisah Tiga Pokok ‎Kitab‬ Suci Krismas kristen kristian Kristus kuasa doa kumenyembah kutetap setia Kutukan Setan Lagu Hari Natal lagu rohani Lagu Rohani Kristen Lagu Rohani Terbaru Lagu Rohani Terbaru 2014 - PertolonganMu - Citra lagu Yesus Lahir LAPAR DAN HAUS AKAN TUHAN LAZARUS Lebih Dalam Lirik Lagu Rohani Kristen LYDIA KANDOU Marah Menimbulkan Celaka Markus 16 masalah berat matius Matius 22:37-40 mazmur 1:1 - 1:3 mazmur 23 Mazmur 34:15 Membangun Mezbah MENANGGAPI MUSIBAH Mengejar Hadirmu - GMB Mengembangkan Talenta MENGENAL YESUS Menggigil Kedinginan Menjadi Bijak Menjadi‬ orang ‎menurut‬ prinsip ‪Tuhan‬ Merawat Hubungan Mike Mohede Miliki miskin mujizat tuhan mujizat tuhan kasih tuhan Mujuzat Itu Nyata Nabi Musa NAFSU Nama Yesus Natal Nikita oleh Isa Almasih orang yang diberkati orang yang mengasihi Allah Oxygen True Worshippers Youth Palestin dan Israel Pastor Jeffrey Rahmat Pastor Luke Pdt. Gilbert Lumoindong Pencuri Kue Penganiayaan Kristian perintah Perkahwinan perkara doa Perkongsian Perkongsian Kebaktian Pertolongan petrus agung pilihan yang salah Puji Puji dan Sembah Putus Hubungan roh kudus Roma 15:13 Roma 5:1-5 SAAT ANDA MERAGUKAN KASIHNYA SAATNYA PEREMPUAN BERPERAN salah fokus Sampai Sesuatu Terjadi Santa Claus Sarah Sarai Sari Simorangkir Sdri Maria Selamat hari Krismas Selamat hari natal Sembah semua bangsa Semua Orang Pasti Menangis sentuh hatiku September 25 2015 September 7 SERI UTUSAN TUHAN Seru Nama Yesus sidney mohede Sikap Rendah Hati Single Forever Stefano Sanjaya stop worrying Sudah Selesai Sukacita Surga syukur Taurat Musa Telinga Ibu Tepat pada Waktu terima kasih kepada Yesus Penyelamat saya Terlalu Besar Teruskan Berdoa The Power of Your Love Tiba Saatnya Tinggal Dalam Firman Titus 2:7 True Worshippers True Worshippers Youth tuhan Tuhan Dengar Doaku Tuhan menjadi Manusia Tuhan Pasti Sanggup Tuhan Tidak Dapat Mencegah Manusia Untuk Berbuat Jahat Tuhan Yesus Turun dan Naik untuk orang lain UTUSAN TUHAN Vania Larissa Vanissa Larissa Wahyu YANG ADA DI ALKITAB Yang Lumpuh disembuhkan yang terutama Yeremia 17:5 Yesaya 1:18 Yesaya 27:3 Yesus Yesus JuruselamatKu YESUS KEKUATANKU YESUS KRISTUS Yesus Tuhan Yohanes