"Risk is Right": Book for Christians who Don't Want to Waste their Lives |
- "Risk is Right": Book for Christians who Don't Want to Waste their Lives
- Stop Baram Dam (A Plea for Courageous Voices)
- Christians, Where Have You Been All the Time?
- The Deity of Christ
"Risk is Right": Book for Christians who Don't Want to Waste their Lives Posted: 05 Dec 2013 11:16 PM PST
"There are a thousand ways to magnify Christ in life and death. None should be scorned. All are important. But none makes the worth of Christ shine more brightly than sacrificial love for other people in the name of Jesus. If Christ is so valuable that the hope of his immediate and eternal fellowship after death frees us from the self-serving fear of dying and enables us to lay down our lives for the good of others, such love magnifies the glory of Christ like nothing else in the world" (John Piper, in Risk is Right. Page 15) About the Book A choice lies before you: Either waste your life or live with risk. Either sit on the sidelines or get in the game. After all, life was no cakewalk for Jesus, and he didn't promise it would be any easier for his followers. We shouldn't be surprised by resistance and persecution. Yet most of us play it safe. We pursue comfort. We spend ourselves to get more stuff. And we prefer to be entertained. We are all tempted by the idea of security, the possibility of a cozy Christianity with no hell at the end. But what kind of life is that really? It's a far cry from adventurous and abundant, from truly rich and really full, and it's certainly not the heights and the depths Jesus calls us to. Discover in these pages a foundation for fearlessness. Hear God's promise to go with you into the unknown. And let Risk Is Right help you see the joys of a faith-filled and seriously rewarding life of Jesus-dependent abandon! [About the Book is taken from: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/books/risk-is-right] "For whosoever would save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it" (Matthew 16:25, ERV) THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP. FREE BOOKS! This month of December 2013, I would like to offer my readers 5 BOOKS (ONLY) entitled 'Risk is Right' by John Piper. You are welcome to get a copy of this book for yourself by simply do these 2 things:
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Stop Baram Dam (A Plea for Courageous Voices) Posted: 04 Dec 2013 08:35 PM PST I against the Baram dam (and 11 more) because I'm convinced that God Whom I worship and know would against it too. Now, this is my stand on it, you don't have to agree about it. My conscious and conviction is clear that the dam will brings more disastrous than development; more destruction than prosperity for the people (but yes, of course, the irresponsible government officials will become richer); more diversities than unity. I against the Baram dam for these reasons! THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP. P.s: You are encourage to copy the picture or share this link on your Facebook or Twitter or Blog or whatever medias that are available (as you desire) for the purpose of creating awareness and to voice out your disagreement. For courageous people ONLY. ![]() ![]() | ||
Christians, Where Have You Been All the Time? Posted: 04 Dec 2013 07:22 PM PST "We know the reality of hell, and we know the way of escape. How shall we escape if we neglect to warn and woo to Christ those who are as yet unevangelized?" (J. Oswald Sanders, on Ezekiel 3:18-19)
Christians, there are burden and responsibility that is rest on us! We owe the world the Good News about Jesus Christ! To have the knowledge of Christ imposes on us an inescapable duty to share that knowledge with every man as far as lies in our power, and that without delay. To withhold it is a crime against that large portion of the human race which still in midnight gloom. Read this text from Ezekiel 3:18-19, "If I [God] warn the wicked, saying, 'You are under the penalty of death,' but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible for their deaths. If you warn them and they refuse to repent and keep on sinning, they will die in their sins. But you will have saved yourself because you obeyed me" (NLT). The church and individual Christians will have much to answer for because they have withheld the saving truth from needy souls. Missionary history in all lands is replete with poignant instances which underline the tragic crime of delay. An old Eskimo said to Bishop Selkirk, 'You have been many moons in this land. Did you know this good news then? Since you were a boy? And your father knew? Then why did you not come sooner?' A Peruvian in the snowy Andes exclaimed, 'How is it that during all the years of my life I have never before heard that Jesus Christ spoke these precious words?' A Moor asked a Bible colporteur in Casablanca, 'Why have you not run everywhere with this book? Why do so many of my people not know of Jesus whom it proclaims? Why have you hoarded it to yourselves? Shame on you!' An Egyptian woman, hearing the gospel for the first time said, 'It is a wonderful story. Do the women in your country believe it?' 'Yes.' Pause. 'I don't think they can believe it or they would not have been so long in coming to tell us.' 'So you have come at last!' said a Taoist priest to a missionary as he entered a Chinese temple. In a vision he had been impressed that someday a messenger would come a far away land. But should he have had to wait 18 years? 'How long have you had the good tiding in England?' a Chinese man, Mr. Nyi asked of Hudson Taylor. He replied vaguely, 'Several hundred years.' 'What, several hundred years? Is it possible you have known about Jesus so long and have only now come to tell us?' A Muslim woman in Bengal inquired of a missionary, 'How long is it since Jesus died for sinful people? Look at me, I am old, I have prayed, give alms, gone to holy shrines, become as dust from fasting. And all this is useless. Where have you been all the time?' Where indeed? THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP. ![]() ![]() | ||
Posted: 03 Dec 2013 07:45 PM PST "A voice from heaven said, 'You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy'" (Luke 3:22, NLT) Oswald Sanders, in his book Christ Incomparable, tells of an outstanding Brahmin scholar disturbed by the progress of the Christian faith among his people in India. He decided to do all in his power to combat it. After careful consideration he decided to prepare a pamphlet that would set forth the weaknesses and failings of Jesus. With this purpose in mind, he purchased a New Testament and began a careful study of it. For eleven years he pursued his search for some inconsistency or weakness in the life of Jesus. Not only was he unsuccessful, but he was more and more convinced that the One he sought to discredit was indeed the Son of God. He accepted His as his Savior. What a successful failure story!
F.F. Bruce and W.J. Martin wrote, "The belief of the deity of Christ is derived directly from statements concerning Him in the Bible. The references are so many and their meaning so plain that Christians of every shade of opinion have always regarded its affirmation as an absolute and indispensable requisite of their faith. It is proclaimed in the very first sermon of the infant church (Acts 2:36)…; while in the last vision of the book of Revelation the Lamb occupying one throne with God (Revelation 22:3) can betoken only essential oneness." The Bread of Life, The Water of Life, The Fountain of Life, The Light of Life, The Path of Life, The Way of Life, The Prince of Life, The Prince of Peace, The Prince of the kings of the earth. Jesus Christ, the Son of God! THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP. ![]() ![]() |
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