Friday 31 January 2014

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Mun Kitak Brani Ngakuk, Nya Sanggup Menerima Kitak

Mun Kitak Brani Ngakuk, Nya Sanggup Menerima Kitak

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 06:29 AM PST

"Mun kita ngakuk dosa kita ngan Nya, maka Tuhan setia ngan adil

sampei Nya mengampuni semua dosa kita,

ngan menyucikan kita ari semua nok jaik"

(1 Yohanes 1:9, terjemah dirik ku pun tok)

Mun kita sik mok ngakuk dosa kita, maka kita agik idup dalam kehidupan lamak kita. Mun kita brani ngakuk ia boleh melepaskan kita ari ikatan dosa ngan membuka jalan untuk menerima kemaafan. Kita pun dapat juak ngubah banyak perkara jadi benar agik.

Tok kamek mok madah ngan kitak: nang benar kitak perlu blajar ari kesilapan, tapi kitak sik perlu idup dalam kesilapan ya. Mun kitak ngakuk kesilapan kitak, kitak nunjuk bahawa kitak tok sedia mok berubah. Kitak idup dalam kasih kurnia Tuhan. Apabila kitak sedia mok ngakuk dosa kitak, Tuhan juak sedia mok mengampuni dosa kitak.

Kitak mungkin mikir nok dosa kitak tok terlalu banyak atau sikpat dikira gik – iboh kedak ya – Tuhan sik ngira samada kitak layak atau sik. Ia sik bergantung ngan brapa besar atau banyak ney kitak pun dosa, tapi pengampunan Tuhan tok bergantung ngan brapa besar kasih Tuhan ya. Baca ngan nangga jak kasih Tuhan ya sampei Anak-Nya, Yesus Kristus, pun sanggup mati di kayu salib bagi semua dosa kitak ngan kamek. Nya nanggung semua hukum dosa kita supaya kita benar di depan Tuhan ngan ada hubungan peribadi ngan Nya. Tok kasih Tuhan!

Mun kitak memerlukan pengampunan, Tuhan sedia mok mengampunkan kitak. Kitak cuma perlu mintak ngan nama Yesus Kristus ngan kerendahan ati. Alkitab madah: "Mun kita ngakuk dosa kita ngan Nya, maka Tuhan setia ngan adil sampei Nya mengampuni semua dosa kita, ngan menyucikan kita ari semua nok jaik."

Mun lepas tok kitak dah mintak ampun ngan dah diampuni Tuhan – terus jak maju ke depan. Iboh nangga nok yang lepas ya. Iboh membenarkan kehidupan dolok menghantui kitak. Nok lepas ya berat gilak mun mok dibawak pergi bersama. Lepas jak kehidupan nok lamak ya. Kinek tok kitak ada kehidupan yang baru. Dosa diampuni. Kehidupan berubah. Masa depan bersama ngan Tuhan terjamin. Biar Roh Kudus Tuhan terus ngembak kitak mengenali Tuhan Yesus lebih dekat gik. Amin.


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Ways to Be more Humble

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 02:26 AM PST


Humility is something that is gained and practiced as we grow in wisdom and grace. Bible Dictionary defines humility as: "a prominent Christian grace. It is a state of mind well pleasing to God; it preserves the soul in tranquility and makes us patient under trials." One of the most famous quotes on humility in the Bible is of Jesus Himself:

"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:5-8)

Be humble, because Christ is humble


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Every Moment is a 'Now' for God

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 08:04 AM PST

C.S. Lewis or Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the 20th century and a man of faith and influential writer of his day. If you think you have heard his name somewhere, if you're not so familiar with him, can you recalled watching The Chronicles of Narnia movies? Yes, he is the writer of the original novels. He is famous with his logic and imaginative writing and storytelling. Superb!

At first it was hard for me to understand what he was thinking as I read his books, but over the years as I familiarize with his style and thought-flow, I start to value his insights (though I reluctantly disagree and don't get it sometime). For example, he was able to make sense the difficulties between God's Time-line and ours' in regard to the 'now' and 'tomorrow' actions. He wrote in his book Mere Christianity:

"Everyone who believes in God at all believes that He knows what you and I are going to do tomorrow. But if He knows I am going to do so-and-so, how can I be free to do otherwise? Well, here once again, the difficulty comes from thinking that God is progressing along the Time-line like us: the only difference being that He can see ahead and we cannot.

Well, if that were true, if God foresaw our acts, it would be very hard to understand how we could be free not to do them. But suppose God is outside and above the Time-line. In that case, what we call 'tomorrow' is visible to Him in just the same way as what we call 'today'. All the days are 'Now' for Him. He does not remember you doing things yesterday; He simply sees you doing them, because, though you have lost yesterday, He has not. He does not 'foresee' you doing things tomorrow; He simply sees you doing them: because, though tomorrow is not yet there for you, it is for Him.

You never supposed that your actions at this moment were any less free because God knows what you are doing. Well, He knows your tomorrow's action in just the same way – because He is already in tomorrow and can simply watch you. In a sense, He does not know your action till you have done it: but the moment at which you have done it is already 'Now' for Him."

If you end with a 'wow!' or you try to read it all over again and say 'I understand it better now', then C.S. Lewis's books is for you. Go and get any of his books at your nearest bookstore. I suggest you try Mere Christianity. Happy reading – and be converted in your mind and heart. I pray that his books may lead you to THE BOOK J


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“AKULAH KEBANGKITAN DAN HIDUP” 1 Korintus 6:12 1 Korintus 8:3 2014 ABRAHAM ABRAHAM: Membangun Mezbah Abram absalom Agama Tidak Menyelamatkan Agnes Monica AGU ROHANI KRISTEN AJARKU BERDIAM Alkitab Allah allah anak allah bapa Allah Peduli Allah Taala Allah Yang Setia Amsal 11:27 Anak Domba ANAK SEKOLAH MINGGU Anniversary Are We Prepared asmirandah Asmirandah Zantman Atas Dosa Awesome God ayub bagi tuhan bangsa isreal Bapa Selidiki Hatiku Baptisan Batasan Belajar berbuat baik Berdoa Berdoalah ‪BERHASIL‬ BERHENTI MEMBATASI IMAN ANDA berita baik Berita Injil Berkabung Berkat dan Undian Berlari Padamu berserta lirik lagu berusahalah mendapatkannya Betapa Hatiku Boy Sopranos carilah perdamaian Christmas Song Cinta-Ku Cintamu Damai BersamaMu Dampak Kekosongan dan yang terpenting DARI TERBIT MATAHARI Darlene Zschech daud Di Setiap Nafasku dikasihi yesus doa harian kristian Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu doaku doktrin Domba Domba Allah dosa Dosa Percabulan Dosa Serakah efesus 6:1-3 embun faith firman Firman‬ Tuhan gerija tuhan Get Our Hands Dirty GMB GNF good friday GoodNews Fellowship GoodNews Fellowship Matang goodnews green height GoodNews2us Green Height Grezia hakim segala bangsa hamba rokok Hanya Yesus Juruselamat Harapan Bangsa Harapan Bangsa Lyric Hargai harta Hidup How great is our GOD Hubungan hubungan keluarga ia dikenal oleh Allah Iman iman petrus agung Indah oh Indah Injil Iraq Isa Almasih Jaclyn Victor Jadikan Aku Indah jalan yang lurus janda JANGAN BERKOMPROMI Jangan Pernah Bersedih Jangan sombong jason jauhilah yang jahat Jeffry Tjandra Jesus JIKALAU BUKAN TUHAN SIA-SIALAH USAHA KITA Jodoh Impian John 3:16 jujur jumaat agung Kagumi KARENA TAK PERCAYA Kasih Allah Kasih SetiaM Kasih Tuhan Kasih Yesus Kasihilah sesama manusia Kasihilah Tuhan Allahmu Kau Saja Kaulah Harapan kayu salib kebenaran Kegagalan kehidupan keilahian Yesus Kejadian 2:18 Keluaran 14: 16 KEMARAHAN Kemenangan KESAKSIAN Keselamatan KETIKA DOSA DIBERESKAN Khotbah Khotbah Pastor Kingdom of God Kisah Dua Lelaki kisah lucu kristian Kisah Penjual Minuman Kisah Teladan Kisah Tiga Pokok ‎Kitab‬ Suci Krismas kristen kristian Kristus kuasa doa kumenyembah kutetap setia Kutukan Setan Lagu Hari Natal lagu rohani Lagu Rohani Kristen Lagu Rohani Terbaru Lagu Rohani Terbaru 2014 - PertolonganMu - Citra lagu Yesus Lahir LAPAR DAN HAUS AKAN TUHAN LAZARUS Lebih Dalam Lirik Lagu Rohani Kristen LYDIA KANDOU Marah Menimbulkan Celaka Markus 16 masalah berat matius Matius 22:37-40 mazmur 1:1 - 1:3 mazmur 23 Mazmur 34:15 Membangun Mezbah MENANGGAPI MUSIBAH Mengejar Hadirmu - GMB Mengembangkan Talenta MENGENAL YESUS Menggigil Kedinginan Menjadi Bijak Menjadi‬ orang ‎menurut‬ prinsip ‪Tuhan‬ Merawat Hubungan Mike Mohede Miliki miskin mujizat tuhan mujizat tuhan kasih tuhan Mujuzat Itu Nyata Nabi Musa NAFSU Nama Yesus Natal Nikita oleh Isa Almasih orang yang diberkati orang yang mengasihi Allah Oxygen True Worshippers Youth Palestin dan Israel Pastor Jeffrey Rahmat Pastor Luke Pdt. Gilbert Lumoindong Pencuri Kue Penganiayaan Kristian perintah Perkahwinan perkara doa Perkongsian Perkongsian Kebaktian Pertolongan petrus agung pilihan yang salah Puji Puji dan Sembah Putus Hubungan roh kudus Roma 15:13 Roma 5:1-5 SAAT ANDA MERAGUKAN KASIHNYA SAATNYA PEREMPUAN BERPERAN salah fokus Sampai Sesuatu Terjadi Santa Claus Sarah Sarai Sari Simorangkir Sdri Maria Selamat hari Krismas Selamat hari natal Sembah semua bangsa Semua Orang Pasti Menangis sentuh hatiku September 25 2015 September 7 SERI UTUSAN TUHAN Seru Nama Yesus sidney mohede Sikap Rendah Hati Single Forever Stefano Sanjaya stop worrying Sudah Selesai Sukacita Surga syukur Taurat Musa Telinga Ibu Tepat pada Waktu terima kasih kepada Yesus Penyelamat saya Terlalu Besar Teruskan Berdoa The Power of Your Love Tiba Saatnya Tinggal Dalam Firman Titus 2:7 True Worshippers True Worshippers Youth tuhan Tuhan Dengar Doaku Tuhan menjadi Manusia Tuhan Pasti Sanggup Tuhan Tidak Dapat Mencegah Manusia Untuk Berbuat Jahat Tuhan Yesus Turun dan Naik untuk orang lain UTUSAN TUHAN Vania Larissa Vanissa Larissa Wahyu YANG ADA DI ALKITAB Yang Lumpuh disembuhkan yang terutama Yeremia 17:5 Yesaya 1:18 Yesaya 27:3 Yesus Yesus JuruselamatKu YESUS KEKUATANKU YESUS KRISTUS Yesus Tuhan Yohanes