Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Posted by Admin GoodNews2Us | Posts under :

10 Tip untuk Menjadi Pelajar Cemerlang 2014

10 Tip untuk Menjadi Pelajar Cemerlang 2014

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 07:11 AM PST


Nota: Kamu dibenarkan untuk mencetak, berkongsi dan menyimpan gambar di bawah asalkan kamu tidak mengubah gambar asal. Selamat Tahun Baru 2014. Tuhan Yesus memberkati kamu. Amen. 


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With the Wild Men of Borneo

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 05:11 AM PST

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."

(Jesus Christ, Mark 16:15, NIV)

"To know God and to make Him known." (Loren Cunningham)

Borneo lies almost exactly under the equator, and is one of the larger islands in the great East Indian Archipelago. It is 830 miles long and 600 miles wide. The size of this island may be appreciated by a comparison of its area with that of a part of Great Britain. It is roughly five times as large as England and Wales.

Little is known of the early history of Borneo, although European navigators and trades touched it shores about the year 1511, in search of the riches of the East. The Portuguese were the first to establish commercial relations with the island; and during the sixteenth century, Spanish traders tried, with some success, to obtain a share of this profitable commerce.

The formation of the Dutch and British East India companies destroyed the monopoly so long enjoyed by the earlier traders, with the Dutch taking the lead throughout the Malay Archipelago.

The rich cargoes of the trading vessels offered great temptations to the unprincipled natives of Borneo and adjacent islands; and piracy become such a menace to the lives and property of the European traders that efforts were made to stamp out the nefarious business.

People of Borneo

One of the British expeditions under Sir James Brooke, in 1838, was very successful in suppressing piracy, and gained for the British considerable prestige with the natives of Borneo. This aggravated the rivalry between the Dutch and the British in their efforts to control the trade and not until 1891 were the boundaries of British and Dutch Borneo finally defined. The north and the west coast are now (at this writing it was 1922) under British rule, and in these districts the most successful missionary efforts have been conducted. The work of Pastor Mershon and his capable in British Borneo shows what the Gospel can accomplish in changing the hearts and lives of such unpromising people as are found in these far off regions.

This little book, With the Wild Men of Borneo, is sent out with the assurance that it will do its part in stimulating the reader's interest in the great work now going forward – "The Gospel to All the World in This Generation."

Introduction by the publishers,

Pacific Press Publishing Association, U.S.A. (1922)

Opus Publications Sdn. Bhd., Kota Kinabalu (2012)

Quotes above and book recommended by,

Richard Angelus

Blogger, Word Speaks Today



Happy New Year 2014! This month of January 2014, I would like to offer you 3 BOOKS (ONLY) entitled With The Wild Men of Borneo by Elizabeth Mershon.

You are welcome to get a copy of this book for yourself by simply do these 2 things:

  1. First, comment below "Rich, give me one copy (Your name). I hope that through this book I can/may… [Not less than 10 words]"
  2. Then, E-mail me at Motivates4life@hotmail.com or send message to my Facebook account your real name, phone no. and your postal address. For book distribution purposes only. Thank you.
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Let Nothing Distract Your Attention from Christ this Year

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:49 PM PST

In 1495, Duke Ludovico of Milan asked the Florentine artist Leonardo da Vinci to portray the dramatic scene of Jesus' last supper with His disciples as they gathered in the upper room before His crucifixion. The scene was to be painted on a large wall of the dining hall at Santa Maria delle Crazie monastery in Milan. Da Vinci, then 43 years old and already famous as a painter, sculptor and architect, agreed to take on the assignment.

Working slowly and with great care for detail, he spent 3 years completing the painting. The disciples were grouped in threes, two groups on either side of the figure of Christ, who sat at the center of the table (refer picture above). His arms stretched before Him. In His right hand He held a wine cup, painted with marvelous realism. At last the painting was ready, and da Vinci called in a friend to see it.

"Give me your honest opinion," da Vinci said.

"It's wonderful," the friend told him. "That cup is so real I cannot keep my eyes off it."

Da Vinci immediately took a brush and drew it across the sparkling cup. "If it affects you that way it must not remain," he exclaimed. "Nothing shall distract attention from the figure of Christ."

This year – New Year 2014 – never let anything distract your attention from Christ. Not the desire for wealth or money. Not for prestige or for your name's glory. Not for the sake of 'love' or in the name of unity and compromise. If anything distract your faith, devotion and attention from Christ, take a brush and paint "the cup" away. We must keep "our eyes on Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2) and our "thoughts are fixed on [Him]" (Isaiah 26:3).  Happy New Year 'Word Speaks Today' readers! God bless you all.


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“AKULAH KEBANGKITAN DAN HIDUP” 1 Korintus 6:12 1 Korintus 8:3 2014 ABRAHAM ABRAHAM: Membangun Mezbah Abram absalom Agama Tidak Menyelamatkan Agnes Monica AGU ROHANI KRISTEN AJARKU BERDIAM Alkitab Allah allah anak allah bapa Allah Peduli Allah Taala Allah Yang Setia Amsal 11:27 Anak Domba ANAK SEKOLAH MINGGU Anniversary Are We Prepared asmirandah Asmirandah Zantman Atas Dosa Awesome God ayub bagi tuhan bangsa isreal Bapa Selidiki Hatiku Baptisan Batasan Belajar berbuat baik Berdoa Berdoalah ‪BERHASIL‬ BERHENTI MEMBATASI IMAN ANDA berita baik Berita Injil Berkabung Berkat dan Undian Berlari Padamu berserta lirik lagu berusahalah mendapatkannya Betapa Hatiku Boy Sopranos carilah perdamaian Christmas Song Cinta-Ku Cintamu Damai BersamaMu Dampak Kekosongan dan yang terpenting DARI TERBIT MATAHARI Darlene Zschech daud Di Setiap Nafasku dikasihi yesus doa harian kristian Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu doaku doktrin Domba Domba Allah dosa Dosa Percabulan Dosa Serakah efesus 6:1-3 embun faith firman Firman‬ Tuhan gerija tuhan Get Our Hands Dirty GMB GNF good friday GoodNews Fellowship GoodNews Fellowship Matang goodnews green height GoodNews2us Green Height Grezia hakim segala bangsa hamba rokok Hanya Yesus Juruselamat Harapan Bangsa Harapan Bangsa Lyric Hargai harta Hidup How great is our GOD Hubungan hubungan keluarga ia dikenal oleh Allah Iman iman petrus agung Indah oh Indah Injil Iraq Isa Almasih Jaclyn Victor Jadikan Aku Indah jalan yang lurus janda JANGAN BERKOMPROMI Jangan Pernah Bersedih Jangan sombong jason jauhilah yang jahat Jeffry Tjandra Jesus JIKALAU BUKAN TUHAN SIA-SIALAH USAHA KITA Jodoh Impian John 3:16 jujur jumaat agung Kagumi KARENA TAK PERCAYA Kasih Allah Kasih SetiaM Kasih Tuhan Kasih Yesus Kasihilah sesama manusia Kasihilah Tuhan Allahmu Kau Saja Kaulah Harapan kayu salib kebenaran Kegagalan kehidupan keilahian Yesus Kejadian 2:18 Keluaran 14: 16 KEMARAHAN Kemenangan KESAKSIAN Keselamatan KETIKA DOSA DIBERESKAN Khotbah Khotbah Pastor Kingdom of God Kisah Dua Lelaki kisah lucu kristian Kisah Penjual Minuman Kisah Teladan Kisah Tiga Pokok ‎Kitab‬ Suci Krismas kristen kristian Kristus kuasa doa kumenyembah kutetap setia Kutukan Setan Lagu Hari Natal lagu rohani Lagu Rohani Kristen Lagu Rohani Terbaru Lagu Rohani Terbaru 2014 - PertolonganMu - Citra lagu Yesus Lahir LAPAR DAN HAUS AKAN TUHAN LAZARUS Lebih Dalam Lirik Lagu Rohani Kristen LYDIA KANDOU Marah Menimbulkan Celaka Markus 16 masalah berat matius Matius 22:37-40 mazmur 1:1 - 1:3 mazmur 23 Mazmur 34:15 Membangun Mezbah MENANGGAPI MUSIBAH Mengejar Hadirmu - GMB Mengembangkan Talenta MENGENAL YESUS Menggigil Kedinginan Menjadi Bijak Menjadi‬ orang ‎menurut‬ prinsip ‪Tuhan‬ Merawat Hubungan Mike Mohede Miliki miskin mujizat tuhan mujizat tuhan kasih tuhan Mujuzat Itu Nyata Nabi Musa NAFSU Nama Yesus Natal Nikita oleh Isa Almasih orang yang diberkati orang yang mengasihi Allah Oxygen True Worshippers Youth Palestin dan Israel Pastor Jeffrey Rahmat Pastor Luke Pdt. Gilbert Lumoindong Pencuri Kue Penganiayaan Kristian perintah Perkahwinan perkara doa Perkongsian Perkongsian Kebaktian Pertolongan petrus agung pilihan yang salah Puji Puji dan Sembah Putus Hubungan roh kudus Roma 15:13 Roma 5:1-5 SAAT ANDA MERAGUKAN KASIHNYA SAATNYA PEREMPUAN BERPERAN salah fokus Sampai Sesuatu Terjadi Santa Claus Sarah Sarai Sari Simorangkir Sdri Maria Selamat hari Krismas Selamat hari natal Sembah semua bangsa Semua Orang Pasti Menangis sentuh hatiku September 25 2015 September 7 SERI UTUSAN TUHAN Seru Nama Yesus sidney mohede Sikap Rendah Hati Single Forever Stefano Sanjaya stop worrying Sudah Selesai Sukacita Surga syukur Taurat Musa Telinga Ibu Tepat pada Waktu terima kasih kepada Yesus Penyelamat saya Terlalu Besar Teruskan Berdoa The Power of Your Love Tiba Saatnya Tinggal Dalam Firman Titus 2:7 True Worshippers True Worshippers Youth tuhan Tuhan Dengar Doaku Tuhan menjadi Manusia Tuhan Pasti Sanggup Tuhan Tidak Dapat Mencegah Manusia Untuk Berbuat Jahat Tuhan Yesus Turun dan Naik untuk orang lain UTUSAN TUHAN Vania Larissa Vanissa Larissa Wahyu YANG ADA DI ALKITAB Yang Lumpuh disembuhkan yang terutama Yeremia 17:5 Yesaya 1:18 Yesaya 27:3 Yesus Yesus JuruselamatKu YESUS KEKUATANKU YESUS KRISTUS Yesus Tuhan Yohanes